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  • 45_year_of_excellence.png
  • Goldonomic
  • Goldonomic
  • Goldonomic
  • Goldonomic
  • Goldonomic
  • Goldonomic
  • Everyone carries a part of society on his shoulders, no one is relieved of his share of responsibility by others. And no one can find a safe way for himself if society is sweeping towards destruction. Therefore everyone, in his own interest, must thrust himself vigorously into the intellectual battle.

    Ludwig von Mises

  • If you don't trust gold, do you trust the logic of taking a pine tree, worth $4,000-$5,000, cutting it up, turning it into pulp, putting some ink on it and then calling it one billion dollars?

    Kenneth J. Gerbino

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Shares are Real Assets

canonShares are REAL ASSETS, participations in Real Estate (buildings, office complexes, commercial real estate), participations in machinery, automobiles, trucks, labor, patents, minerals, etc

Shares or stocks are quoted in nominal fiat money but by acquiring a stock you exchange Fiat Money for Real assets which often are distributed all over the World. IBM (international business machines is a good example). Nestle, ATT,....

A good share is like good Real Estate.....the main difference is that a crash/correction as a rule only last for 2 years (worst case scenario) where a crash/correction for Real Estate normally lasts for 26 years. This of course on condition you buy a particiapation in some decent, GOOD company [and not in worthless financials/banks].

Having said this, with little home work it is not too hard to have a yearly +20% performance. This off course on condition you buy CHEAP and sell HIGH and don't let them scare you out of a position in between....

Contrary to Real Estate, a stock is PRICED DAILY. Short term predictions are extremely hard: the shorter, the harder. Important is to have the trend right and to sit it out until it changes. Most of the time there are clear indications a trend change is about to happen (good examples were Bank/Financials and Real Estate). Those who refuse to accept market conditions have changed and keep on holding to stocks because they fell in love with these (or because stupid and most of the time inexperienced bankers told them to) can loose fortunes in a similar way fortunes are lost by those holding on to Real Estate when the bubble busts...or holding on/buying Treasuries and Bonds at the top of the market.

Remember at all times that the Rothschilds made their fortune by exchanging GOLD for TREASURIES at the right time!

Remember at all times a Bond/Treasury is an option to buy Fiat Money and Bank Deposits/Saving accounts can be extremely well as money kept under your mattress.




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