The idea that penalizing "unpatriotic desertion" (relocation overseas to avoid taxation) is not new. In 1918, the German government passed the "Law against tax evasion" (Gesetz gegen die Steuerflucht, Reichsgesetzblatt I, p.951) which was repealed in 1925.
The Great Depression of 1929, however, led to massive loan cancellations from the international banking system; this particularly affected Germany, which had an estimated foreign debt of 24 billion RM in 1931, of which 5.25 billion RM alone had to be repaid in the first half of the year.
The German government limited free capital flows and controlled the exchange of foreign currency, while also implementing austerity measures and raising the income tax. These measures precipitated a wave of capital flight, and the Reich Flight Tax was intended to dissuade would-be emigrants from leaving the country.
The Reich Flight Tax (Reichsfluchtsteuer) was a capital control law implemented in order to stem capital flight from the Weimar Republic. The law was created through decree on 8 December 1931 by Reich President Paul von Hindenburg. The Reich Flight Tax was assessed upon departure from the individual's German domicile, provided that the individual had assets exceeding 200,000 RM or had a yearly income over 20,000 RM. The tax rate was set at 25 percent. 1934 the asset limit was reduced to 50,000 RM.
Today, because a lot has been digitized, this kind of THEFT is even easier to organize. For many people, because they have Mortgage-chained themselves to Real Estate, IMMIGRATION is simply impossible. They will become the SLAVES of the 21st Century.