August 2023
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Physical: Add up to $200 per oz. | For physical, add up to $16 per oz. | Are you still Paper Gold? |
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- Go back and read the older updates and education hall - there is also A LOT of valuable information in these, especially under Important Fundamentals & Technicals.
- Many Candle (and often also PF-charts may be updated at all times, even if not mentioned in the "Updated Sections" - check the charts in the section.
- Our Shopping Cart will retire on June 30, 2023. We are offering a special goodbye rate of $399/€399, valid until the end of the month. Click here.
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Updated Sections: Buy Gold, Recession Proof Shs (LOCG), Recession Proof - hold,
“In individuals insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations, and ages it is the rule.” — Friedrich Nietzsche.
Real intelligence and critical thinking are lacking on this earth, and what is masquerading as intelligence is rarely anything other than state agenda-driven propaganda and lies. That's why what passes for "news" is so incredibly inaccurate, completely false, and childish in nature. That is all it takes today to fool most of society. In other words, thinking is no longer necessary, as the masses have been conditioned and brainwashed to accept almost every claptrap used by those in power, bogus "scientists," the medical profession, politicians, the government, and certainly the media circus of state-sanctioned whores.
The banking sector is bankrupt, and many personal and business accounts are being closed. Pensions and pension funds are also under threat. Cyber-attacks are affecting large parts of this country, and air travel is sometimes becoming impossible. The trans scam continues and is likely to escalate after government schools open this fall. More UFO reports are made every week, and stores are closing across the country,
People who bought Gold and are waiting to see the price go up are like people who bought fire insurance and are waiting to see their house go up in flames!
Are you going to sell your gold in the middle of a disaster? Will you sell your insurance while your house is going up in flames?
John Law and the Mississippi scheme is exactly what is happening today in many Western Countries. Especially so in Belgium in the Real Estate sector. As expected, the Bubble Participants don't realize they are part of the happening, and the day they do realize it, it will - as ALWAYS - be too late.
Francis D. Schutte has held the position of Chief Market Analyst at Goldonomic since 2002. Mr. Schutte has been in the markets on some level since 1972. He has been a banker and a stockbroker (Belgium, Canada, NY) and studied world currencies since 1972. For several years and until 1985, he has also been managing Real Estate. He strongly believes that we need to be as independent as possible to survive and thrive through hyperinflation. His motto is a Planb B (second Passport/Permanent Residency), Physical Gold and silver OUT OF POLITICAL REACH, barter ability, and wealth preservation.
Our Real Estate Corner (only for Subscribers)
I really start to have problems with those who keep believing in and still Buy and hold on to Real Estate.
Real Estate in some parts of the World, especially Belgium and the Netherlands, made me think of John Law and the Mississippi Scheme in France, where people were finding out all kinds of tricks to be the first to buy REAL ESTATE in MISSISSIPPI. People bought because the price of the Mississippi certificates (Real Estate) went up, and these continued to rise because more people bought. All buyers were convinced they were Eiinsteins and that those who did not buy were super-idiots. That was until the day the bubble burst and the Certificates alias, Real Estate, became worthless. That day, selling any Certificate (Real Estate) became impossible. FORTUNES WERE LOST.
The same happened in The Netherlands with TULIP BULBS.
Important Fundamentals:
- There is a disconnect between the STOCK MARKETS and the ECONOMY.
- Moody's lowered the RATING of the Banks. Remember, for years, we advised not to touch Bank shares, not even with a 10-foot-long pole.
- for premium members only.
Important Technicals.
- The Stock Market (Composite Index is preparing... for premium members only.
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Monday/Wednesday, August 7-9, 2023: The unfolding Ukraine scenario is a Deja-Vu of the pre-WW2 scenario!
Updated Sections: Index In Real Money/Gold, Long Term Charts, Royalty Co's,
Gold & Silver Majors,
If Democrats think (realize) that Donald Trump will be re-elected in November 2024, we shall enter WW3 before the end of 2024.
March 1933 – The victors of WWI had stolen all German gold reserves, and in 1933, Germany was in a poverty-stricken and hopelessly bankrupt state. During the previous years, the country was destroyed by the Weimar hyperinflation and broken up by the Versailles Agreement after the First World War.
- In 1933, Adolf Hitler was democrately elected by the German population and became the Chancellor of the country. In less than three years' time, he successfully led Germany out of a broken country into a prosperous society with full employment and the world's highest standard of living.
- He introduced a new monetary system and the Reichsmark based on labor and real assets. The labor treasury note was a new monetary system. Workers were paid with Treasury certificates guaranteed by labor. It was called the Reichsmark. The workers could use the certificates to buy goods and services. This formed the basis of a blossoming, debtless economy.
- Germany issued this debt-free and interest-free money from 1935 and on, accounting for its startling rise from the depression to a world power in 5 years' time. Germany financed its entire government and war operation from 1935 to 1945 without gold and without debt, and it took the whole capitalist and communist world to destroy the German power over Europe and bring Europe back under the heels of the bankers.
A Deja Vu of what happened during the pre-WW2 months.
- December 15, 2021, Russia sent an ultimatum to the US and NATO. It was published two days later, and the Russian Foreign Ministry invited the West to sign and agree to it or at least begin discussing it. Not only was it not signed, it was not even properly acknowledged. It was blatantly ignored as if it were a request from a teenager to an adult. The ultimatum was sent because the MINSK AGREEMENT signed in 2014 was not honored by the West, and Ukraine kept bombing and destroying East Ukraine, mainly populated by Russian-speaking people.
- Too bad because an agreement would have saved the world from the Ukraine war, the Europeans from expensive bills, (and the US from WWIII's terrible devastation and mass deaths.) Putin had made it clear what he wanted, and it was a reasonable request.
- Saturday, July 29, 2023: Ukraine attacks Moscow with DRONES: The first RAF raid on Berlin took place on the night of 25 August 1940; 95 aircraft were dispatched to bomb Tempelhof Airport near the center of Berlin and Siemensstadt, of which 81 dropped their bombs in and around Berlin. Because of this raid, Hitler had no option but to retaliate. After WW1, in part of Germany that became Poland in 1918 (Treaty of Versailles), German civilians who lived in Poland were arrested, locked up in concentration camps, tortured, and massively killed by the Polish Army and police...
LIES, LIES, LIES. As the economic situation degrades, Mainstream Media and Politicians will sell more of these lies: (Bloomberg) -- Economists at Bank of America Corp revoked their forecast for a recession in the US, becoming the first large Wall Street bank to officially reverse its call amid growing optimism about the economic outlook. On top, while prices continue to go up, they will sell Deflation...What we have is an INFLATIONARY DEPRESSION, and most humans have no clue of what this really looks like.
We need nobody that works for us. Each snake politician fired continuously gets replaced by another one! GOOD, HONEST people don’t and never pursue a career in politics. The solution is Fewer POLITICIANS and less Government.
Our Real Estate Corner (only for Subscribers)
When there is NO BUYING POWER to buy Real Estate, the sector ALWAYS CRASHES...this time won't be different!
Important Fundamentals:
- The Bank of England is for premium members only.
- You can't say it better...see the video below. Those who don't have a plan B and don't go for a plan B are IDIOTS! We can't and will not continue to repeat the same repeatedly. If you haven't realized what is happening and are staying put by now, you are a "lost sheep"!
- For premium members only.
Important Technicals.
- Gold is for premium members only.
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Tuesday/Friday, August 1-4, 2023: Out of political reach is the only way to survive the coming crisis.
Updated Sections: St-Kitts & Nevis passport (those who postpone a plan B are FULL-IDIOTS!) ,
This is coming to you...very soon!
Long considered the Switzerland of the Middle East, Lebanon is now going through the worst economic crisis in its history; 80% of the population lives below the poverty line. In one year, food prices have jumped 500% due to galloping inflation. For Riad, who runs a grocery store in the suburbs of Beirut, business has become hellish.
Every morning, with a calculator in hand, he changes the labels of his products according to the day’s exchange rate. An operation is all the more complex as his store is plunged into darkness due to lack of electricity. The Lebanese government no longer provides more than two hours of electricity per day in the country. It is impossible for the population to heat, light, or use their refrigerator. Taking advantage of the situation, a network of private generators has emerged.
The Lebanese pound, the local currency, has lost 90% of its value. The only ones to get away with it are those who are paid in dollars. The greenback, which is exchanged for a fortune against the local currency, has given birth to a new privileged social class in the country. A salesman in an international pharmaceutical company, Joseph lives like a king in a ruined Lebanon. Thanks to his new purchasing power, he repaid his house loan in two months instead of… twenty years! He paid an unbelievable $2,500 for his new 3-story home (Real Estate lovers MUST see the video below).
Pre-2019 Dollars can no longer be retrieved from the banking system. All pre-2019 currencies/assets kept by Lebanese banks have been blocked.
No PLAN second passport, no money, and you can't leave. In a bankrupt state plagued by corruption, six out of ten Lebanese citizens now dream of leaving the country. Mohammed and his son left by the sea in Tripoli, in northern Lebanon, to reach Germany. Although their trip was cut short off the Turkish coast, the young father is still ready to take all the risks to reach the European El Dorado.
Just like what happened in Argentina, the Financial Institutions banks have blocked all foreign assets owned by Lebanese citizens. the
OUT OF POLITICAL REACH HAS NEVER BEEN SO IMPORTANT AND CRITICAL: CRS (the automatic release of bank information between countries), the obligation to inform the tax authorities about the Real Estate you hold internationally, a Wealth Register, ... has become the best instrument for the local authorities to tax you on whatever you have. If you have no second passport and no assets out of political reach, you will end up as a FINANCIAL SLAVE in the EUSSR and the USSA. Just like Lebanese, Cubans, Argentineans, Venezuelans, Turks,...When this happens, ALL your SAVINGS and ASSETS priced in currencies will become WORTHLESS overnight. Be advised that in all countries where this already happened, the HERD, or 95% of the local population, did not believe such would and could happen, ever.
Extremely important will be to have assets "out of political" reach. To have a bank account "out of political reach," allowing you to use a debit/credit card to collect cash out of an ATM. To have assets and savings "out of the DIGITAL financial system." If you don't take your precautions NOW, you better stop working as you will lose what you earn anyhow.
The day comes when Wise-noses-Millenniums (4th turning) will learn it in the HARD way!
According to a recent survey, millennials are buying more gold than Boomers or Gen-X. But there’s a catch. Millennials are also more likely to invest in paper gold instead of physical metal. According to the report by State Street, on average, Millennials have 17% of their portfolios allocated to gold. Boomers and X-ers lag with a 10% allocation on average.
About 88% of the investors surveyed who hold gold called it a long-term investment. More than 70% reported that gold boosted the overall performance of their portfolios. More than half of the respondents who currently invest in gold said they plan to increase their allocation in the next six to 12 months. But digging a little deeper, we find Millennials are more likely to invest in gold Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) than gold bars or coins. Sixty-five percent of Millennials said ETFs were the best way to invest in gold compared to Boomers at 55%. X-ers are far more likely to invest in physical gold. Only 35% of Gen-X respondents said they thought ETFs were the best way to hold gold.
In November 2022, the Total Premium on American Silver Eagles was as high as 75%. The current Total Premium for June 2023 is 54%.
The Millennials will learn the hard way what the difference is between PAPER (gold, silver) and Physical (gold, silver).
Our Real Estate Corner (only for Subscribers)
- A home in Venezuela costs around $15,000...and is getting cheaper each day.
- A home in Lebanon costs around $2,500...and is getting cheaper each day.
- For premium members only.
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